Yesterday when we when to the Howwick Historical Village it looked really old.When we first got there we had brain break after that we went to school where if you did something bad your parents would have to tell your teacher to disaplin and you got the 6 of the best the teacher told us that at 12 years old you finished school and at you got married at 13 and thats a young age to get married at after we finished school we went play with the toys that kids use to make with wood i dont reamber the names of the toys the only toys i remeber was the skipping rope and the bowling kit except it wa scalled a bowling kit it was called some thing else but i dont remenber after that we went to do the hunt it was cool cause i learnt three new communications although i dont think communications is a word anyway the names of these communications are brlaile moresres code any this other flag communications i dont know the name of anyway that was the Howick Historical village thank you viewing my blog
Blog ya later
Hello Rory here I found this kind of hard since I left it till the very day we were supose to finish it
My top tip is nothing just ask for help
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